
  • E-freeway線上外語自學教室是外語教學暨資源中心建構的英語學習網站,內容豐富多元,收集了許多優質網站資訊,並輔以專文介紹。另外也提供多樣的優良自學軟體,如新聞英語、MyET口說英語、英文文法、商業書信寫作、英語學習技巧、互動英語閱讀等,可作為課外學習資源。針對各種英語鑑定考試的準備(GEPTTOEICIELTSTOEFL )E-freeway線上外語自學教室也有多套線上模擬試題與自學軟體可供使用,歡迎您使用。
  • E-freeway is a self-study online English language learning website built by the Foreign Language Teaching & Resource Center. E-freeway has an abundance of resources and diverse collection of many high-quality websites supplemented with special features. There are also some effective English language self-learning software available, such as news English (LiveABC-CNN News), My English Tutor, English grammar, and business letter writing. In addition, preparation materials for GEPT, TOEIC and IELTS can also be found on the E-freeway website.